Help Lightning Blog
How Remote Collaboration Tools Support Efficient Industrial Equipment Service

Industrial equipment specialists are in short supply. When a piece of machinery breaks, companies typically have to wait days or weeks to get a technician onsite who can resolve the problem. The result is often financial loss and a loss in productivity. Remote collaboration tools like Help Lightning support quick resolution by connecting equipment specialists with onsite workers to fix problems fast.
Remote Collaboration Tools Expand Industrial Equipment Service Capabilities
Companies utilizing industrial equipment require fast resolution when equipment is broken or not working at optimal levels. They need to meet quotas to support the company’s financial and output objectives. One malfunctioning piece of equipment could have major repercussions, setting timelines behind.
Enterprise collaboration tools provide a merged reality video stream that allows industrial equipment specialists and onsite technicians to work together from anywhere. Both sides of the screen can engage with the screen for a 3D view and very specific troubleshooting instructions. This enables a smooth workflow and faster resolution time.
How Remote Collaboration Tools are Used for Industrial Equipment Service Calls
Remote visual assistance technology allows users to view a merged reality where both sides can engage with the view on the screen. This means customers of industrial suppliers can easily access the support they need in real time, and can have the problem resolved faster than an in-person visit.
A Remote Service Example for an Industrial Equipment Supplier
- An employee at an automobile assembly plant alerts the line manager that a piece of robotic equipment used to assemble cars is malfunctioning.
- The line manager brings over an onsite repair specialist, but that person is unable to diagnose the problem.
- The specialist initiates a Help Lightning call with the industrial equipment supplier, and connects with an expert on this specific piece of robotic equipment.
- The onsite specialist and the remote expert from the supplier view the equipment together through the Help Lightning app.
- The merged reality view makes it appear as if both can touch and engage with the equipment. This allows the expert to give the onsite specialist very specific direction on how to diagnose and then resolve the problem.
- It turns out one component of the robot is no longer viable. The expert orders it while on the call with the onsite specialist. The expert confirms overnight shipping, and they schedule another Help Lightning call for the following day.
- The following day the component arrives, the onsite specialist and the equipment expert get on a Help Lightning call to ensure smooth installation.
- The equipment is fixed and assembly can continue with minimal disruption.
The automobile assembly plant was able to resolve their equipment issue using remote collaboration. This resulted in a 24-hour resolution rather than the days or even weeks it could have taken if the supplier had to physically visit the plant.
Remote Collaboration Tools Enable Better Service
Various industries, including food & beverage, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and energy benefit from having immediate access to industrial equipment specialists when help is needed. This cuts mean time to repair significantly, and cuts down on resolution time.
Help Lightning’s remote collaboration tools merges two video streams, that of the person onsite and the industrial equipment specialist. Both sides of the screen can engage in a merged virtual reality, making collaboration feel as if it’s in person, whether users are a block away or on another continent.
Remote collaboration tools support several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as well as some very positive outcomes. You can also learn about industrial equipment KPI options when using AR.
The KPIs Help Lightning Customers Experience Using Remote Collaboration Tools:
- Improved first time fix rate (FTFR)
- Faster mean time to repair
- Higher net promoter score (NPS)
- Efficient use of field personnel
Interested in learning about more use cases and how other companies are using remote visual assistance? Review our full list of 20 remote assistance use cases. You can also download a shareable PDF of these use cases.
Contact Help Lightning to Learn What Remote Visual Assistance Software Can Do for Your Company
Remote collaboration tools stretch the capabilities of industrial equipment specialists. It allows them to serve customers onsite, from anywhere. Both sides save time and money with reduced travel costs, more efficient use of everyone’s time, and faster resolution times.
Contact us for a free, no obligation demo of Help Lightning.
Our team is waiting to show you exactly how Help Lightning’s remote visual assistance software can help your company’s specific business needs.