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Now is the Time to Get Behind Remote Expertise Technology

February 2, 2021

This is the fourth post in our 4-part series on Adopting Remote Expertise Technology in the Service Industry. Each post in this series explores the benefits of adopting Remote Expertise software. 

At the time of writing this article, we just passed the 1-year mark of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We always knew how valuable it was to do effective work remotely, but little did we know just how in-demand remote work would become. 

Customer use of our technology increased by 400% over a 5-month period. Companies that had planned a slow rollout of Help Lightning found themselves fast-tracking their onboarding process. At the same time, many new users found us and were eager to get started. Help Lightning made it possible for our customers to keep their workforces at work and serve their customers in new and unique ways no matter where they were.

Now with vaccines rolling out across the world, there is hope that the pandemic will be coming to an end. Most people are expecting life will get back to normal. Some in your workforce may question whether Remote Expertise technology will still be as important a year from now as it is today. 

Not only will Remote Expertise technology be as important as it is today, it will be more important and more widely used. Your service company may be holding off on jumping into Remote Expertise technology. Or, your workforce might be hesitant about widespread adoption. If that’s the case, read on to learn why now is the time to get onboard. 

Fix Problems the First Time

Remote Expertise technology improves the First Time Fix Rate (FTFR). Technicians are able to see their customers’ service requests in a dynamic virtual setting. This can help them better understand the nature of what the customer needs. They know which parts to bring, what they need to know to provide service, and can plan appropriately. Technicians can then help the customer fix it, or send a technician with the parts necessary to complete the job. 

The result is happy customers who get the service they need in the most efficient way possible.

Reduce Expenses & Waste

With Remote Expertise technology, you won’t require as many onsite visits to customers and you won’t have to send as many workers to do the same job or to help resolve problems. This translates to a more efficient workforce, and your organization will also save travel costs from unnecessary site visits.

Additionally, mistakes and rework can have a substantial impact on a company’s bottom line. Many organizations don’t track the cost of mistakes, choosing to accept them as part and parcel of providing services. Remote expertise technology provides the ability to be virtually ‘hands-on’ and ‘onsite,’ helping make it easier to view the full scope of a project and call in an expert to review work or answer questions when necessary. 

Experienced Workforce Can Train New Employees ‘Onsite’

Many in the service industry are concerned that the most experienced workers are starting to retire. Many service jobs are taught ‘apprentice style,’ in that the knowledge of experienced workers is taught to newer workers on-the-job. There are certain specialties and nuances of service jobs that are most effectively learned through experience. 

Remote Expertise offers the ability to place experienced technicians ‘onsite’ with techs-in-training, providing them with high quality remote training, guidance and support.

Attract Up and Coming Talent

As the most experienced members of the workforce start to age out, many service companies find themselves struggling to attract new, young workers. Incoming workers are young Millennials and Generation Z. Both of these groups are tech natives that fully expect their workplace to leverage innovative technologies. A job that continues to rely on old-school methods is not appealing to these young workers. 

Millenials and Gen Z are also concerned that working for a company that does not train them to use advanced technology in their field could prevent them from advancing in their careers. 

Remote Expertise technology is pretty cool (yes, we are biased, but it is!), and up and coming talent will be thrilled to work for a company that leverages technology that optimizes the quality of their service. Additionally, providing your employees with the best possible tools ensures a higher employee retention rate, limiting the time and money required to find and train new employees.

Learn More about How Remote Expertise Software Positions Your Company for Growth

Service companies experience benefits from using Remote Expertise technology that goes well beyond those noted in this article. However, these select benefits illustrate how gains made by using Remote Expertise technology are sustainable and hugely beneficial to immediate and future-focused business objectives. With benefits like these, Remote Expertise technology isn’t going away, and instead will continue to grow. 

Click here for a free demo of HelpLightning. We will demonstrate exactly how Remote Expertise software can help you best serve your customers from anywhere in the world.

For more on Introducing Remote Expertise Software in the Service Industry

Click here to see the first post in this series. How to Effectively Roll Out Remote Expertise Software Training for Your Entire Workforce

Click here to see the second post in this series. How to Turn Service Industry Tech Resistors into Tech Adopters

Click here to view the third post in this series. Why Your Team Should Promote the Benefits of Remote Expertise Technology to Customers

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