Help Lightning Blog
Guided Assistance Software Improvements: Help Lightning 13.10 Release Notes

Introducing Help Lightning 13.10 of our guided assistance software. We’ve listened to our customers, and you’ve helped us create the best version of Help Lightning yet. This version is now live on the web or available to download from the App Store or Google Play if you don’t receive automatic updates. Here’s a brief overview of the release notes for this latest update:
Guided Assistance Software: Updates In This Release
- Connectivity and Performance
We’ve made improvements in our connection quality, and our guided assistance software calls are now more stable in low bandwidth situations.
- 3-Party Call Improvements
When inviting a 3rd party to a call, you can now dial from your contact list or send an invitation via a My Help Space link. Once all three participants are on the call, returning to face-to-face mode will allow everyone to choose a role before entering Merged Reality.
- In App Tutorials
The first time you log into Help Lightning 13.10, you’ll get a brief tutorial on how to use Help Lightning. Once you click through the slides, you won’t see it again!
- Loading Multiple Photos or Documents
Now while in photo or document sharing mode, you can load additional photos or documents without having to return to live video first.
- Support for Italian
Buone notizie, we now have the Italian language as an option for Help Lightning!
Would you like to see the full release notes? Go to our Help Center on your computer browser to get more details.
As always, if you have any questions about our guided assistance software (or ideas for our next release!), please get in touch.
To see Help Lightning for yourself, schedule a free demo here.
All the best,
The Help Lightning Team