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Help Lightning Webinars

5 Ways Remote Expertise is Delivering Real Value

The Remote Expertise segment of the Augmented Reality market performed extremely well in 2019 in two big segments: technical support and field service. The idea of remote expertise is simple. You have a problem and need help. The expert who can help you solve the problem is somewhere else.
  • Topic
    5 Ways Remote Expertise is Delivering Real Value
  • Duration
  • Hosted By
    Gary York, CEO of Help Lightning

The simplicity of remote expertise makes it incredibly powerful for problem solving. Why has Remote Expertise been so successful in producing value for service organizations?

Join Gary York, CEO of Help Lightning, as he walks through 5 ways Remote Expertise is delivering real value today.

Gary York is a serial entrepreneur and a contributing writer on Augmented Reality and software innovation. He has held technical and executive positions with leading technology companies in Boston, Silicon Valley, and Alabama. Gary is a winner of the Smithsonian Innovation Award and the EDPA Lifetime Achievement Award for Innovation. He holds a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon and was a visiting fellow at UC Berkeley.

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