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Augmented Reality Without AR Smart Glasses

November 6, 2018

Believe it or not, AR Smart Glasses are not a new idea. In fact, they were first conceived by Ivan Sutherland in 1968 but, at the time, technology had a long way to go. Well here we are, 50 years later, and we’re still waiting for a practical solution.

Many tech firms would have you believe that to harness the power of augmented reality you have to invest in expensive hardware like AR Smart Glasses. Here’s why that may not be the best option right now.

Like the mobile phones of yesterday, augmented reality technology is emerging… fast. That means what you use today will be outdated tomorrow. Hardware costs, like those associated with glasses, are expensive to employ across large service organizations. At this point in the game, glasses tend to overheat, battery life is short, and they are prone to breaking. All this can be overcome in time, but you need a solution for today.

The good news is there’s another option. Merged reality from Help Lightning lets you capture the virtual momentum that is reimagining the field service industry without the hefty costs you’ve heard about. Why? Because Help Lightning is software, not hardware, that lets your techs use the smart devices they already carry in their pockets. It’s iOS, Android, and web browser compatible. That means it’s cheaper, and it’s “now”.

To see how Help Lightning works and how it could benefit your technicians, customers or call center, schedule a free demo.

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