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Help Lightning Whitepapers

Facilitating Effective Self-Service and Superior CX through Remote Visual Assistance

Is Your Organization Ready to Provide Self-Service for Your Customers and Field Technicians?

Michael R. Blumberg, President, Blumberg Advisory Group

The need to fulfill customer demands for rapid response and quick resolution are the leading reasons many companies have implemented Self-Service models. Fortunately, consumers in various industry sectors have become more savvy, self-reliant, and competent to initiate and resolve service requests independently or through guidance and assistance from a remote expert. To some extent, a more competent and more engaged customer base has made Self-Service a viable option.

Customer Self-Service models are going to increase in the months ahead. According to a research report from Salesforce, 60% of businesses expect to implement self-service portals within the next 12-18 months. Yet, a study by Zendesk indicates that only 20% of companies offered self-service capabilities in 2019.

Is your organization ready to provide Self-Service for your customers and field technicians?

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