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Help Lightning Press

30 Fastest Growing Private Companies to Watch in 2020

There’s still a lot of hype surrounding Augmented Reality and there are many growing private companies. Right now, there are billions of devices (smartphones and tablets) in use that are capable of AR functionality and completely compatible with Help Lightning – the world’s leading Remote Expertise video support solution. Mobile device AR will pave the way for broad AR adoption.

Help Lightning’s Remote Expertise solution uses Merged Reality to blend two real-time video streams, that of a remote expert and an onsite technician, into a collaborative environment. This Virtual Interactive Presence allows an expert to virtually reach out and touch what their service tech or customer is working on.

When you’re in a Help Lightning session, you can telestrate (draw on the screen), freeze images, use hand gestures, upload pictures and PDF files, and even add real objects or tools into the merged reality environment. With Help Lightning, service experts can show a resolution, not just describe it, even from a thousand miles away.

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How Help Lightning Works

When someone encounters a complex issue, they need an expert to be onsite immediately. With Help Lightning’s virtual expertise software, two video streams become merged into one. Therefore, users can collaborate and resolve an issue together. The remote expert can actually insert their hand, use tools, and share documents. This simplifies the problem-solving process. Easy, right?

Using mobile devices, experts can now work with a partner as though they were side-by-side. You can telestrate, or write across the screen. It’s easy to freeze images and use hand gestures. You can even import documents and add real objects into the merged reality environment. So, using Help Lightning, experts can solve any problem, even from thousands of miles away.

Want to partner with one of the best growing private companies? Schedule a free demo here.

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